At 19 inches high, 9.5 inches wide, and 24 inches long, the new chassis is shorter than the old model (24 by 8.5 by 21 inches), but it's more voluminous, most notably from its extra 3 inches in length. We like that the new case isn't as tall, and it stands a better chance of finding a spot under your desk (the old chassis couldn't fit anywhere). The hands-down coolest feature of the new case is its lighting system. The new chassis has five external lighting locations. Through a custom-built software interface, you can change each light to virtually any color you can imagine. Better, you can also program certain behaviors to the lights to tie-in to application or general system activity. You can set the lights to turn off automatically when a DVD movie starts, and you can make them blink when you have a new e-mail message. Alienware isn't the first desktop vendor to give case lighting a practical use, but it's by far the most fully realized.
O.o Shiny!!. This is a cool case, I recieved an alienware news letter with a preview of this in it.
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Anonymous |
6:17 PM
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