A couple of companies such as Gateway, Dell and Alienware have already released computers with Intel's brand Core 2 Duo inside (the darn thing came out yesterday!) Online retailers have already started selling Core 2's to the public but at prices 50$ more than suggested. A slew of new computers came today, two new ones from Gateway, and three Dells (one workstation and two desktops.) Many boutique builders with names you've never even heard of also released a couple. Samsung also release a desktop equipped with the Core 2 Duo. And we can't forget Alienware's new
Core 2 gaming desktops: the Alienware Area-51 7500 and the Area-51 ALX. Both feature Alienware's new P2 chassis, which I think is the best lookin' chassis I've ever seen, can be equipped with Core Extreme processors, NVIDIA SLI graphics solutions and can support up to four SATA hard drives in a RAID configuration. The Area-51 ALX also allows you to add the yummy NVIDIA Quad-SLI. Alienware's Area-51 7500 starts at a $1,799 while the Area-51 ALX is way into the dream PC category at $5,999. Special thanks again to Dailytech.
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