Apple has initiated Macbook Pro battery recall

We recently discovered that some 15-inch MacBook Pro batteries supplied to Apple do not meet our high standards for battery performance. To give our users the best experience possible, we will replace these batteries for customers free of charge. The affected batteries do not pose a safety risk. You may continue to use your current battery until a replacement arrives.
Even though the note says that the batteries won't pose a safety risk, the best idea is to not use your Macbook Pro until the replacement arrives, just in case. Apple is conducting the recall through its website, but for those who need switch out more than three batteries will have contact Apple directly. Apple said that the shipping time will vary between 3 to 5 days, depending on avaibility. The Macbook Pro family has been a target of numerous problems since its release earlier this year. Apple recently announced official support for customers with MacBook Pros that exhibited the whine noises. Customers are asked to call Apple directly for this issue. Special thanks to Dailytech.
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