When Sony first brought the PRS-500 to CES this past January, everyone ooooed and awwwwed. And I agree the Sony e-Ink Reader is a totally awesome device. (Click the picture to enlarge). Using a new feature called e-Ink, the reader 'paints' the words on to the sreen. This way it doesn't have to use all its power to keep the screen from going out (in other words the exact opposite of a LCD screen.) Hence, the eBook has an exactordinary battery life. The PRS-500 was scheduled for Spring 2006 launch but was pushed back twice, first time to Summer '06, than second time (today) to Fall '06. That leaves us with a question will we see the PS3 before we hold the PRS-500 in our hands? Special thanks to Dailytech
Has anyone heard why the release has been postponed again? Phone ordering operators for the PRS-500 must be gettting a lot of questions as the party line is ready to go, "availalbe this Fall, sorry that's all we know."
Wish we knew what was going on, makes me a bit apprehensive shelling out $300+ for a product that keeps getting pushed back.....
Sean M.
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Anonymous |
6:07 PM
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