The Xbox 360 has an enormous headstart over both the Nintendo Wii and the Sony PS3, but the 360 hasn't been sellin' well, Microsoft should've sold way more consoles then it has. Back to the Wii. The Wii may not be as "advanced" as the PS3 or the 360 but it has some very important things on its side. First of all, the Wii will cost around $200 USD (maybe a little bit less) which is $200 USD under the 360 (the $300 version of the 360 isn't worth it) and $300 less than the cheapest PS3. Plus, Nintendo's games have a habit of being cheaper too ($20 USD instead of $30-60 USD). And the Wii's backwards compatibilty (bc) rocks, while the 360's plain sucks (you can only play a 100 out of the 500 Xbox games out there), PS3's bc is unkown to me at the moment. Neither the Xbox 360 nor the PS3 has any catchy titles at the moment. But when Halo 3 hits the stores this Xmas, expect the 360s to fly off the shelves. It amazing how much Microsoft relies on Halo 3 to sell its consoles. Sony always relied heavily on third-party developers to make titles for its consoles, take the PS2 for an example, but
a host of developers announced that they won't make any games for the PS3 because it's too expensive. A recent survey in Japan stated that 90% of the developers think that the PS3's price is to high.

According to IBM, yields on the Cell processors were extremely poor, and that most Cell procs would ship without all eight cores working. According to IBM, some PS3 units will have 7-core Cell procs and some with 8-core Cell procs. Another ding against Sony. Sony has a lot of work to do this generation to keep its #1 crown. Gaming giant Electronic Arts has also been showing favoritism to the less expensive Wii when showcases its new games.
BusinessWeek goes on to say:
EA announced six Nintendo Wii launch titles and showed long working demos for two of those. But it offered only a short clip of a car-racing game for PS3. EA says it's still testing the potential of the PS3. "Many developers think the console's initial high price will lead to slow sales and are holding off on creating games for Sony," Hamamura says.And also the most noticable feature about the Wii its controller. Motion sensing isn't a new feature. It came out in, what, 1998. But Nintendo is the first company that actually makes it good. Also, the Wii has decent graphics at a much cheaper price. You can spend $$$'s that you saved on things that a gamer needs, games, chips, parties, you name it. If I had to chose, the Wii seems like the best bang for the buck right now.
i agree, the ps3 is pricy and the 360 ain't got any good games. But i think the 360 will b a must buy when halo 3 comes out.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:35 PM
i dont agre, me xbox 360 fan through and through why the wii probably gonna suck and pS3 cost why to much. So me dont agre. Plus a coupl days with the controler and u will get borred of it. funs over.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:56 PM
what does Sony bring to the table other than fancy graphics?
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:03 PM
well its a media center (lik 360) and blueray...which right now is useless.
the 360 is well priced, wit HD-DVD add-on and jump-start. Halo 3 will be the seller.
Wii will be succesful becase its targetin all market: media center, backward compatility, improved GC graphics, controler and cheap, compared to the other consoles. Plus support from alot of 3rd party developer, which always helps.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:09 PM
You cant compare!!!! This time around the difference between the consoles is $200 and more! And the GC had limited 3rd party support but this time around it seems like the entire world is behind the Wii. And Nintendo sucked (oops i mean sucks) at driving up hype about their consoles. And the new controller that will probably be copied down to the last screw by Sony and Microsoft. Hehehe!
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:17 PM
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